Xinran Li



My name is Xinran Li, and I am current master student in Information Technology at Rutgers University, and I acquired my Bachelor of Science Degree in Geo-physics at the University of Washington. I would be graduating in the upcoming December 2020, and I would love to seek a position in full-time Software Development Engineer.

Looking for Software Developer & Full statck Developer

  • Birthday: 7 March 1995
  • Website:
  • Phone: +206 369 3681
  • City: New York / Seattle
  • Age: 25
  • Degree: Master in progress
  • Email:
  • Alternative:

brief introduction, coming soon

Click here to download resume


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.

Java 100%
R 90%
SQL 60%
HTML 70%
MatLab 90%
Python 70%
Latex 60%
CSS 55%

Education & Experience


Master of Information Technology

Aug. 2019 - Dec. 2020

Rutgers University, New Brunswick & Newark, NJ

Relevant coursework:

Algorithm & Data Structures, Software Development with C++, Neural Network & Deep Learning, Web Development with JavaScript, Software Engineering of Web Applications, Data Management, Data Mining, Information System, Linear Regression, Probability, Financial Time Series with R

Bachelor of Science of Geophysics Analytics

Sept. 2014 - June. 2019

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Master Skills: Google Earth, ArcGIS, Matlab & Python application in EarthQuake Analytics, Geophysics

Professional Experience


July. 2019 – Aug. 2019

GF Securities Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, CHN

  • Constructed a mutual fund trader information management system using Java, Spring Boot and deployed using Docker. Replaced the old system and reduced the average record querying time by 5 ms
  • Implemented features including user profile / trading record management, authenticating, tagging, searching and user feedback
  • Built the client frontend with 8 interfaces using Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, jQuery, and CSS
  • Developed the backend using Hibernate, ElasticSearch and JPA with Spring Boot, and associated with a MySQL database
  • Secured backend endpoints using ROLE based security with Spring Security



Airport Pickup App

March. 2019 – June. 2019

  • Built an Android App for Chinese college students airport pickup services on Android Studio and released in the college network
  • Implemented features including passengers’ arrival time registration, riders & drivers matching and user profile management. Stored the data in AWS RDS MySQL
  • Implemented rider activities, e.g. request and cancel a ride and provided rider’s geographical location using Google Map API
  • Built a responsive rider interface which reflects when drivers accept the ride and report the estimated pickup time
  • Created JUnit test suites for the app

Web Portfolio

July. 2020 – Aug. 2020

  • Hosted a static website with HTML/CSS on the Amazon S3 with custom domain registered with Route 53
  • Uploaded website content on the Amazon S3 bucket, and configured bucket to enable website hosting, and set permission

Social Media Website

Mar. 2020 – June. 2020

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

  • Created an Instagram Clone website in a group project, and helped group members to learn using Python to code out the application as a team leader
  • Used Django as a backend for the websites, and implemented a full Models-Views-Templates structure for the website and deployed to Heroku
  • Developed an interactive webpage (HTML/JavaScript) for users to sign up, log in, post blogs, delete blogs, follow and unfollow, likes as well as comments and styled the websites by applying Bootstrap

Melanoma-detection with Deep Learning

Jan. 2020 – Mar. 2020

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

  • Classified Melanoma types from skin lesion images by using Neural Networks.
  • Read data into the local system by using Kaggle API
  • Models built with the use of Convolutional Neural Network, and evaluated by a pretrained model with a custom activation layer added on

Sea Level Rise & The Risk of the European Low Land Areas Research (ArcGIS, Google Earth)

Jan. 2019 – Mar. 2019

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

  • A thesis research mainly focuses on the major climate issue (sea level rise); utilized ArcGIS, Google Earth, Python and MATLAB to analyze the sea level rising speed and relative altitude of lowland areas such as Netherlands, Denmark, etc.
  • Extracted data from Kaggle API and store the data to MySQL
  • Calculated the estimated sink period and inferred the estimated economics loss by GDP and population densities



605 W 42nd St Apt 61R, New York, NY 10036

2201 4th Ave Apt 512, Seattle, WA 98121


+1 206-369-3681

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